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{LIT}erature Summer 17

First things first, major apologies for my tragedy of a title for this post. My vocabulary is not usually this horrific in person. Promise. I really just couldn't resist the opportunity for a pun, ya feel?

Aaaaaaanywho, this year hasn't been a year of reading if you know what I mean. Like every other little freshmen in high school, I was (and am - school's not over yet!) drowning in the transition from "wear deodorant to school" homework assignments (yup, one of my teachers actually "assigned" that has homework in the 6th grade) to having 3 essays and finals due in a couple of days.

And while the best solution to dealing with the stress of those said essays/finals might be to simply DO them (who woulda thunk????), your old gal named Nina thought it'd be better to write a mindless blog post instead.

And you know what? I think she's right.

All jokes aside, below are a list of my favorite summer reads. "Summer reads" being:

/ˈsəmər rēds/ (noun)

1. Light, often teen fiction novels that reflect on teenage youth, first love, and the two months of freedom looked forward to from September to June.

2. Mindless books to help you escape your own worries by engulfing yourself in the dramas of dramatic characters, and most often read by the beach.

BOOK #1 / I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

It's sandy feet, warm rain, dried paint in greens, blues, oranges, and pinks, 80s Rock, & sunburnt lips

BOOK #2 / We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

It's pink lemonade (with the lemons left floating), sunken sailboats, salty hair, craggy rocks, & skipping on gravel

BOOK #3 / Even in Paradise by Chelsea Philpot

It's champagne bubbles, mountain peaks, woven rugs, pinky-promises, and plot holes.

Granted, the last two books are quite similar, but I'll let you pick & choose. Links attached to the images in case you're looking to purchase.

**Images are not my own!**

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